Automate 2023

Updates on Mobile Robot Interoperability Efforts

Updates on Mobile Robot Interoperability Efforts

Daniel Theobald - Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, Vecna Robotics

Florian Pestoni - CEO & Co-founder, InOrbit

Jason Walker - Vice President of Market Development, Locus Robotics

Advances in robotics technology are lowering the barriers for companies of all sizes to adopt autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automation, especially in the manufacturing industry. This rising demand for AMRs and the increasing specialization of these robots continues to push the need for interoperability, as these different types and brands of robots are more often operating in the same space. Come and hear about the latest trends impacting AMR interoperability and efforts MassRobotics and others are doing to encourage the development of standards that allow the systems to better work together.


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