AI & Smart Automation Conference 2023

Usability, User Experience and Autonomy

Usability, User Experience and Autonomy

Kel Guerin - Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, READY Robotics

In this talk, we will delve into the critical need for enhancing and fine-tuning human-robot interactions, particularly in light of emerging technologies such as Large Language Models and advanced Conversational AI. As robots are becoming increasingly sophisticated and our interactions with them more natural and dialogue-driven, the quality and nature of these interactions gain paramount importance. The discussion will underscore the challenges and nuances of transitioning from explicit, hard-coded programs to nuanced language-based instructions for robots. A central theme will be the human-robot-interaction mechanisms necessary for such a transition and the importance of building these mechanisms on reliable data, resulting in desired behaviors. We are at the beginning of a rapid expansion in the capability of robots, through simulated training and LLM-based behavior generation, and this means it is doubly important to understand how we will interact with these newly empowered devices.


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