Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing, Moving  From Evolution To Revolution Logo

Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing, Moving From Evolution To Revolution

Bronze Member

Fontana Laboratories
Columbus, OH 43210-1180
United States

AI Technology ProviderMotion Control & Motors Technology ProviderRobotics Technology ProviderVision Technology ProviderAI, Motion Control & Motors, Robotics, and Vision | Member Since 2023
Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing, Moving from Evolution to Revolution (HAMMER) Engineering Research Center, led by The Ohio State University, will advance national goals to assert American leadership in advanced manufacturing by developing and transitioning new manufacturing technologies to industry use, driving new technical education and credentialing that will prepare, upskill, or reskill the workforce, and expand capabilities across the manufacturing supply chain to meet national needs. Through basic, applied and translational research, HAMMER will accelerate the development and deployment of intelligent autonomous manufacturing systems that will use multiple processes to control material properties and component dimensions to allow rapid customization and high assured performance.